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If your big day is approaching and you need to shed those toxins, then a quick detox would be your solution.

Text  Nuthan Manohar   Photos  Jinson Abraham

f late do you find yourself heavier, feeling sluggish, fatigued, and is your mind feeling restless, foggy and negative? Do you have trouble digesting or sleeping? Are inches piling on, is there body odor? Have you lost your glow? All are signs of excess toxins in your body.

Toxins are anything that causes harmful effects to the body. It could be from the food you eat, air you breathe, water, soil, sounds or even the thoughts you have. Some toxins are created by the body itself. However our current lifestyle and soaring pollution levels have put in more toxins than the body can remove. Detoxification is a process of reducing the toxins in the body. Our body eliminates toxins via kidneys, liver, digestive tract, lungs, and skin. A good detox works on all these organs and leaves you feeling full of energy and a fresh perspective on life.

Detox Breathing

Each breath you take in, you are taking in energy and each breath out, you are releasing toxins. Become aware of this miraculous process. Observe your breathing for 20 minutes in the morning andat night. Try to breathe in for a count of five and out for a count of ten. Hasten the process by chanting Hum…Aa with each breath. Another process to help is Kapalbhati – forceful exhalations done rhythmically.


Detox Yoga Asanas

Poses that help your body twist, help induce peristalsis and work on massaging the organs in the abdomen. So if you are feeling constipated or suffer from weak digestion then add to your morning routine poses like the Revolved Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasan), Twisted Chair Pose (Parivritta Utkatasan), Marichi’s Twist (Marichiyasana) etc.


Excerpts from the Detox Diet Kit designed by Gayathri Asokan

Sip 3-4 Liters of alkaline water slowly through the day. Add half a lemon and a few amla. Reduce all proteins in your diet to reduce the load on your liver and kidneys. Replace with smoothies made from with green leafy vegetables, berries,and fruits.Include vegetables like beetroot, green papaya, carrots. Say no to sodas, sugars, refined flour, and masalas. Have one meal of kichidi if you feel the need for carbohydrates.

Include supplements of probiotics, multivitamin and herbal supplements that help improve liver and kidney functioning.

Beyond the food and the exercise, it is important to have positive thoughts



Nuthan Manohar

A wellness expert and researcher. Through her venture Me Met Me she invites you to rediscover yourself through yoga, food and fun. She conducts detox workshops with Nutriotionist Gayathri Asokan.


Twisted Chair Pose


  • Stand tall with feet together.


  • Slowly bend your knees sitting back on an invisible chair. If you look down, you should be able to see your toes.


  • The stress is on your thighs and not on your knees. The spine stays neutral, and the buttocks should not jut back.


  • Palms are together in prayer pose. Lean forward and now bring your left elbow to the right knee as you breathe out.


  • Stay in this twist for ten seconds. Do not hold your breath. As you inhale come out of the twist and do the other side.


  • The pose is good for strengthening the legs and improving digestion and aligning the spine. Work towards deepening the twist and holding it for 30 seconds.



(The opinions expressed are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect those of FWD MEDIA PVT Limited.)